Tom Right: The Interview

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What are five facts about you?

  1. I’m Welsh but the accent’s faded a lot since I started attending boarding school when I was 11, and I can’t speak a word of the language.
  2. I don’t have a birth certificate
  3. My legal guardians are my grandparents
  4. I’ve been a photographer since I was eight – my granddad, who is also a photographer, taught me how and gave me my first camera.
  5. I’m a terrified of snakes.
Source – Pinterest

Where did you grow up?

For the first seven years of my life, I lived all over the place as my mum and I were constantly moving. She got fidgety and we didn’t have much money. But after I was placed in the care of my grandparents by my mum, I grew up just outside Porthcawl, Wales which isn’t far from Bridgend. Their house backs onto the sand dunes and I spent most of my childhood playing on the beach and body-boarding in the surf.

Source – Pinterest

Who are the special people in your life?

My boyfriend, Dominic. My grandparents, Angie and Mal. And my friends – especially Erika who I would say is my best.

Would you rather…lose your favourite camera or lose the ability of photography altogether?

My favourite camera is a Pentax film camera my granddad gave me for Christmas when I was eight – it’s precious to me. However…it is just a camera. To lose the ability to take photos altogether would kill me.

(Source – Pinterest)

Desert Island: Three Items

  1. My camera, obvs.

2. Endless film for the camera

3. Sunglasses – cos it’s a desert island and I need to be able to see to take all the pretty photos!

Source – Pinterest

What’s something you wish you were better at?

Reading people…sometimes I don’t think I fully understand what even Dominic is thinking and whenever I do make assumptions, I’m always wrong.

Source – Pinterest

What’s something you’re proud of?

All my photography awards and my portfolio. It’s my life’s work – and I have so much more to give.

Source – Pinterest

What’s something you’re ashamed of?

Hiding who I truly am for so long so I didn’t piss off other people. I am who I am. And if they don’t like it, fuck em. I guess I just wish I’d realised that sooner. Oh – and failing my exam. Yeah…that’s really fucked things.

Source – Pinterest

What are you looking forward to right now?

That’s the thing…I don’t think I have anything to look forward to. Failing my photography theory exam…it could mean the end of my time at HSA. What’s there to look forward to when I might have to leave everything I love behind?

Source – Pinterest

Pick 3 Dinner Guests, dead or alive

Diane Arbus, Andy Warhol and Colette

Diane Arbus (Source – Pinterest)

What brought you to Hillside Academy?

A scholarship so I could study photography and earn a good education. Plus…sometimes, and only sometimes mind, I think it’s because my grandparents couldn’t handle being parents again late in life. That maybe…maybe it was easier not to look at me because I’m a constant reminder of their estranged daughter, my mum. Maybe…I dunno.

Source – Pinterest

Favourite Word?

Photograph – sets my heart alight. The Greek word for light drawing. Snap it and in an instant, it’s there forever. It’s magic.

Source – Pinterest

Learn more about Tom Right by heading over to his very own wiki. Just click the image below and follow the link!

Source – Pinterest

(All Hillside Academy characters, names, places, school history and origins are subject to copyright – Hillside Academy ‘Universe’ Copyright © 2008 Jodie May Mullen)

Header Image: Jodi May

Gallery Images: Ownership remains with the original artist.

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