We’ve got ourselves a Robinson – a Sam Robinson
Name: Fun fact – Sam’s surname used to be ‘Ranger’. Don’t ask me why – you could try asking my eight-year-old self but she probably doesn’t know how either. Like most of the original names of my characters, they were either plucked out of the ether or from characters I watched on television. As for Sam’s forename, much like Tom’s, it’s a simple, common British name. I’m not sure when the switch to Robinson happened. Evidently from my notes, it was somewhere between the original draft (2008) and the second (2011). Why, I’m not sure, but Present Jodi is happy with this change, especially considering his surname has become such a significant part of his rivalry with the infamous Damien Ashcroft (who also had his entire name changed only two years ago – but his original name is top secret). Hearing Damien spitting ‘Robinson’ brings me a type of joy that ‘Ranger’ will never have. Sam’s a Robinson to the core now. Plus, I get to call his mother ‘Mrs Robinson’ in some flashbacks – and that will never not be funny.

Appearance: Sam has always been a big, bold, arrogant boy with dirty-blond hair and blue eyes. The only thing that’s changed about him in recent years is his actual size. While in the original draft (2008) he was certainly tall, he was also slim. I’m rather sick of reading about authors talking about how female characters need to have varied body sizes to improve body images but no one talking about how all ‘book boys’ are all ‘slim and angsty’. Who’s waving the banner for positive body image in boys? It’s become a mission in HSA promote healthy varied body sizes throughout both the girls and the boys. Sam’s change in size wasn’t deliberately done for this reason but it’s certainly become a symbol of how HSA is promoting change. Sam is 6ft 2, broad and chunky – he’s a rugby player after and all. He’s got a beer belly, large strong thighs and huge arms. Physically he fills up a room; his presence never going unnoticed. His physique and his personality go hand in hand. He’s like a bull in a China shop.

Personality: As I said above, Sam has always been an arrogant arsehole – to put it plainly. He’s always been the character my readers have grimaced at and told me ‘what a massive dick’ he is. That’s alright. You’re not supposed to like him off the bat. It brings me great pleasure to know I’m doing my job right when I get my readers telling me that they spent half the time wanting to punch him and the other half wondering if there is actually something beneath the surface. I can tell you now, there is more to Sam but I’m not going to give that up quickly. You’ll have to just wait and see. But the fact remains, Sam has always been a bastard but he’ll be the nicest bastard you could ever be friends with. His fierce loyalty is unwavering throughout every redraft and he’s my favourite character I’ve ever created.

Skills: Sam has always been a rugby player. But he hasn’t always been the ‘unassuming smart guy’ that he is in the most recent drafts. I’ve always quite liked the idea of Sam being secretively smart, since he’s quite conniving and sly already. It takes a type of intelligence to behave that way; to do what he does throughout the series – his mistakes and his successes – Sam had to be relatively intelligent, if not as smart as Will or Emily. As for his rugby, his stature and anger makes him an excellent player but unlike some brutes, Sam’s not only got bark – he’s also got a lot of bite, which sometimes makes him the worst player too.

Influences: I’m racking my brain trying to remember if Sam has any influences. There aren’t many protagonists like him in literature or media – and I guess that’s what makes him unique. Currently, for his face cast, I’m using Matthew Nozka, an American actor, however, they do differ quite considerably; not only does Sam have a far more British look about him and is less of a ‘pretty boy’, but he’s also definitely not as muscular. He’s a chunky rugby player. However, after doing some research into Matthew Nozka, and looking at countless gifs on Pinterest, they both share that smirk. Ohhh that Sam Robinson Smirk. So as influences go, this being a very recent one, it’s less of an influence and more of a happy coincidence that I’ve found a real human being with that infamous Smirk.

Friendships: Sam has always been best friends with Dominic. I’m not entirely sure why because they’re as different as night and day. They fight and bicker like an old married couple, hate each other’s music, film tastes and even dress differently. But for some reason, these two have been ‘bros’ since their creation and throughout every redraft, this has stayed a fact.
Sam has also always been best friends with Anna. Like Dominic, I’m not sure why, though in recent drafts their backstories have merged together, making it more believable as to why they’re so close. They’re also very similar in personality; both fierce, both destructive, loud and make continuous mistakes that are often influenced by their awful childhoods. Sam would be nothing with Anna Clearwater as his best friend.
As for Erika – ah yes, well, I can’t say much other than that him and Erika’s relationship is a second draft (2011) development. Once again, my readers and I ask the question ‘what the hell is she doing with him?’ – but I think the better question would be – ‘what the hell is Sam doing with Erika?’. But that’s for another day…

Storyline: I can literally not tell you anything about Sam’s original storyline without major spoilers so I’m going to jump straight to the brief excerpt from the original draft (2008). Sorry!
On the other side of campus, Dom and Sam were also getting ready for bed; it was about 4:30 in the morning. Dom was reading on his bed and Sam was in the bathroom washing.
“Sam. Are you and ***** together?” he asked not taking his eyes off of his book
Sam walked back in with just his boxers on. “Dom. I think she’s changed me. Tonight right, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. Normally if I was on a date I would still look at other girls’ tits, but this was different. I think I’m falling for her.” Sam wiped his face with a towel.
“My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite,” Dom said softly
“You know what you are, you’re a git!” Sam joked “What you reading?” Sam snatched the book out of Dom’s hands.
“Nothing you’d be interested in. Just a little bit of poetry.”
“Well that’s just stupid. And please, I don’t mind you reading this bollocks but don’t talk like that, it really freaks me out,” Sam said.
Dom laughed and Sam threw the book back to him.
To read more about Sam, head over to his bio!
Sam Robinson Copyright © 2008 Jodie May Mullen
(I do not own the images above. All rights remain with the original artist)