HSA vs IT: Chapters 20 & 21

After learning about the power of the Pendle Witches, the losers know what they have to do. They have to kill It once and for all. But how? The dagger. They need the witches’ dagger if they even stand a chance against It. But the dagger is carefully locked away inside the castle and until Anna’s father trial, there’s no way they’re getting their hands on it. But they will. They’ve made a decision to end this and there’s no going back.

HSA vs IT: Chapters 17, 18 & 19

The Losers have a plan. They must visit Pendle Hill in an attempt to learn more about IT and It’s origin. They’re going off gut instinct, just a feeling inside of them, telling them that Pendle Hill holds the answers – holds the key to learn how to kill IT. Once and for all. But will their pilgrimage to this ancient, mystical place be worth it? Will they find what they’re looking for or will they, as some of the group fear, discover that IT is infinite. That they, just eight teenagers, don’t stand a chance against a god. Maybe, just maybe, the Pendle Witches possess the answers…