Top 15 Christmas Movies



Christmas is a magical time of the year, full of warmth, love, laughter and cosiness. Plus, food and great movies! What’s better than sitting down on Christmas Eve in front of the fire or under the Christmas decorations, with your family to watch some good old Christmas movies? Here are my top 15 movies that put the tinsel on tree!



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Top Ten Books to Films 2013-2014

Since films were introduced into our society, books have been adapted for our screens. For example, the Lord of the Rings trilogy in the early Noughties, the Harry Potter series throughout the 21st century and more recently the Great Gatsby. However, lately, it has become even more noticeable that the film industry is looking to the pages of authors instead of the manuscripts of screenwriters. So here is my list of Top Ten books to films for 2013 and 2014

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