HSA vs IT: Chapters 9 & 10

Elivia Spencer has never had many friends. But now, Elivia must face six new people. Six people who have also seen It. Will they believe her story of terror? How could they? She could hardly believe it herself. Elivia knows that her secret can no longer stay that way. And neither can Anna’s.
Monsters, ghouls and ghosts – it was all just fiction.
But It isn’t. And It’s coming. It’s coming for them all…

HSA vs IT: Chapter 7

Now, Erika, Will and Emily have all faced It. Dominic believes It’s the same thing killing the children. The same thing that killed his brother. Tom still isn’t sure. And Sam? He doesn’t believe a word. Even after listening to Emily and Will’s terrifying account of the Merman emerging from the font in the church, Sam can’t possibly believe it. So certain that monsters, ghouls and ghosts could never exist in this cold, callous, mundane world, Sam doesn’t fear the lone journey home after curfew through Williamson Park; the formidable park sat at the highest point of the city where the great Ashton Memorial resides. But his confidence is about to be shaken – his whole world is about to change when Sam comes face to face with his own worst nightmare. Something that petrifies him far more than his brutish father. Something that will haunt him for the rest of his life…if he survives the night.

HSA vs IT: Chapter 6

Tom doesn’t believe his boyfriend’s tale of Erika and Emily’s brave escape from a monster in the forest. How could he? This wasn’t a film or book. This was the real world and in the real world, children will killed by murderous lunatics who were, as much as people tried to deny it, human.
Not monsters. Not creatures of the deep. And certainly not witches.
But upon talking to Emily Fox, who Tom trusts far more than ‘crazy Erika Waterstone’, he begins to question his perfect reality.
Emily, however, has no doubt that what she faced on Friday night with Erika was real and after being punished by her strict, pious guardian, Rupert, Emily must face an evening alone in the church – the last place she had faced something she couldn’t explain. She’s escaped its clutches twice – is her luck about to run out?

HSA Horror AU – Wolf Creek

Elivia finds herself imprisoned by the stranger – the generous man who had offered she and her friends a tow in the Scottish wilderness. At the prospect of a grisly death, she must fight her way out and save her friends. But can the timid Elivia put aside her own fear and survive? In this homage to Wolf Creek, three of the HSA characters take on a killer of their own…