HSA vs IT: Chapter 31

There have been no more missing or dead children in the city of Lancaster. The season of terror is finally over – or so the adults believe. Emily Fox knows better than to ever believe that IT is finished. Having stared into Its yellow eyes and felt Its teeth tear at her skin, she knows, perhaps more than anyone else what IT has in store for them all. But what can one lonely fat girl do in the face of an ancient shape-shifting creature? Hopeless, lonely and dreading the start of term in just over a week, Emily will soon come face to face with one nightmare that will remind her just how powerful she can really be. With or without friends. Emily Fox needs to end this – once and for all.

HSA vs IT: Chapters 29 & 30

There’s something wrong with Erika. A problem that needs to be solved before it grows any bigger. She’s fourteen and pregnant and on the road to ending up just like her drug addict mother. And that isn’t an option for Erika. She must take care of this latest problem. End it once and for all – wasn’t that what she’d promised the Losers at the Burrow Beck? Hadn’t she failed then too? Unlike IT, there is only one way to solve this problem and with her pregnancy a secret from everyone but Emily, who refuses to accompany her, Erika must face the abortion of this baby alone. Or will she?

HSA vs IT: Chapter 28

It’s been ten days since the events at Pathfinders House. Ten days since the eight pieces of this group of Losers were scattered and lost to the wind. Ten days since Emily was almost killed by IT; saved only by her golden cross. In that time, the Losers have licked their wounds and begun to yearn for normality. But what is normality now? Hanging out down the Burrow Beck smoking Sam’s weed? Or cycling off on missions in order to discover a way to kill an all-powerful being older than their city – maybe older than time itself. What is normal for these eight teenagers when their lives are crumbling around them and the child-killer is still on the loose? Who will IT take next? Dominic, for one, doesn’t know. But he does know one thing. How to kill IT.

HSA vs IT: Chapter 27

After the failure of the events that took place in Pathfinders House where the Losers of Greaves faced off with Pennywise and ultimately lost, the eight return a wounded Emily home. Waiting for them is Rupert’s wrath and the unavoidable subject of their failure. The Witches’ Dagger didn’t work. They hadn’t been able to kill IT. And now, in the face of their defeat, the eight question everything – including themselves. Is this the end of the Losers?

HSA vs IT Chapters: 25 & 26

Another child has been found dead. The ninth since Dominic’s little brother, Toby was murdered after the flood in October. It’s time – they must end It once and for all. Armed with their tokens and the Witches’ Dagger, the eight losers find themselves in Pathfinder’s House – the haunted house every child of Lancaster fears and the last known location of It. They know it’s a risk but it’s a risk they must take if they want to put an end to this reign of terror that befalls their city every twenty-seven years. But are they ready to face It? Will the dagger work and is the power that has driven them this far strong enough to defeat IT once and for all? Or are they walking straight into a trap?

HSA vs IT: Chapter 24

It’s the day of the mission to steal the Witches’ Dagger from Lancaster Castle and Anna is petrified at the prospect of returning to the first place she faced IT. But she knows she must if only to save her younger sister and all the other children of Lancaster from a horrible death at the hands of IT. Unfortunately, Anna has plenty more to worry about… With Erika and Sam still bickering and Anna’s own explosive temper to keep in check, how are these three ever going to work together to gain the weapon they need in order to fight IT?