Moaning Monday: Mobile Phone Drivers


Every day I witness people using their mobile phones whilst driving. What’s so important that you have to use your phone behind the wheel? If it’s an emergency, can’t you pull over? If it’s for your work, can’t you get a hand’s free set?? Just a couple of the many questions I’ll be asking this Moaning Monday. Get off your phone and stop this ridiculous, dangerous habit.

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20 Things I Learnt In My First Year of Driving

I’ve been driving for almost a year and a half now, and in that short time I’ve seen a lot, driven a lot and learnt – A LOT. So I’ve written down 20 things I’ve learnt in that time to share with you all. The advice I have given isn’t professional but just from a fellow driver after their first year and some of the things I believe to be true. The Wind is scary. Cyclists are a pain. Don’t even get me started on people who tailgate. Let’s have a look, shall we?

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