HSA vs IT: Chapters 9 & 10

Elivia Spencer has never had many friends. But now, Elivia must face six new people. Six people who have also seen It. Will they believe her story of terror? How could they? She could hardly believe it herself. Elivia knows that her secret can no longer stay that way. And neither can Anna’s.
Monsters, ghouls and ghosts – it was all just fiction.
But It isn’t. And It’s coming. It’s coming for them all…

HSA vs IT: Chapter 8

Tom’s been looking forward to his summer photography course at the university ever since he signed up. Even more so recently since all of his friends seemed to be losing their minds. A shapeshifting monster chasing them? Killing the children? It was absurd, but even Tom’s boyfriend, Dominic believes them. Tom needs a break. A week away from the hysteria. Paired with timid Elivia Spencer, a girl from the private school, on an assignment, Tom is reluctant at first. All rich people are the same in his eyes but he’s quick to learn that there’s something different about Elivia. And that afternoon, upon hearing the other kids talking about a secret tunnel beneath the campus, the two team together to investigate. But this adventure soon goes awry when Tom and Elivia realise they’re not the only ones in these tunnels. And as they delve deeper, they will soon understand the true meaning of fear. Maybe Tom will finally believe his friends’ tales of horror now he’s come face to face with his own nightmare…