Surname: Reynolds
Forename: Robert
Middle Names: Matthew
Nicknames: ‘Rob’
Age (2011): 16
Birthdate: 23rd September, 1994
Height: 5ft 10
Weight: 10st 3
Eyes: Blue/Hazel
Hair: Auburn Brown
Nationality: British
Body Type: Tall, slim and athletically built but trim. Strong shoulders, larger upper arms but slim legs. Handsome face with a soft jaw but high cheek bones.
Size Feet: Size 10
Body Modifications: None
Dominant Hand: Right
Medical Conditions: *
Body Scarification: *
Sexual Preference: Straight
Substances: Non-smoker, alcohol drinker, would take harder drugs
Clothing: Preppy, designer; chinos, trainers or loafers, jeans, shirts, sports jackets and body warmers.
Likes: *
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Mother: Martha Reynolds
Father: William Reynolds
Siblings: Lacy Aida Reynolds (younger sister)
Home Location: Esher, Surrey
Relationship Status: Single
Relationship History:*
Best Friend(s):
- Ethan Litchfield
- Harrison Underhill
Friendship Circle:
- Clique 6
Enemy(ies): *
Virginity: *
Star Sign: Libra
School Details:
Dorm Block: Boys
Dorm Room: B305
Dorm Mates:
- Ethan Litchfield
- Ed Howel
- Reece Ellis
- Harrison Underhill
- Elliot Webb
Dorm Master: Mr Robert Brooks
Form: Warmscombe
Form Teacher: Mrs Lydia Gardner
Subjects (GCSE or A-Level):
- A Level Sports
- A Level Politics
- A Level Economics
- A Level French
Extracurricular Activities:
- Debate Team
- Swimming Club
- Lifeguard
Type of Student (Scholarship or Fee Payer): Fee Payer
Years Attendance at Hillside Academy: Five years – First Year (2006) to present (2011)
Photographs/Drawings/ Artwork:
(All Hillside Academy characters, names, places, school history and origins are subject to copyright – Hillside Academy ‘Universe’ Copyright © 2008 Jodie May Mullen)
Gallery Images: Ownership remains with the original artist.