Pure Love – Fantasy or Possible Reality?


You and I would run away to wherever our adventure waits.

Everyone dreams of great romances. Ones of fairy tales and great fiction. And we are told time and time again that they are impossible to fulfil. Me being me, asks why?

Why can’t we achieve the great? The magnificent? The purely beautiful?



Do our realistic doubts trap us on a mundane thought train? Because we are told we can’t do it, do we not even try?
I want to try. I don’t want to settle for the norm any longer. What’s to stop me from finding true love? If you want something bad enough, you can get it. Why should that not apply to our romances?
The majority of people go through many partners until they settle down and marry, and I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. But I’m forever looking for more.
Stupidly I’m unable to put what I want into words – which makes me a very typical woman. However, it can’t be explained. It’s not from the mouth or the mind or even from the heart. It’s from your soul.
(Here comes the cheesy part….)
I truly believe in soul mates. Not that there’s only one out there for you – that’s just depressing. No I believe there are people in this world that are not only your romantic partner, but your best friend. The Robin to your Batman.
I don’t see why I can’t ever find this person. I don’t see why I can’t have an epic romance that lasts a lifetime. Of course, you have your ups and downs, your arguments and the moments where you absolutely despise each other – but then there are the moments where you’re completely besotted, having fun, enjoying life as a duo – not an uno.
Call me mad or overly optimistic – I call myself True. Why end up with someone because it’s convenient? Or because you’re scared of being alone? I actually quite enjoy my own company. Therefore I’m happy to wait until the right person comes along.
I feel like I’ve done this too much. I’ve cried over too many frogs and indulged myself in far too many romantic fantasies to be back here again. It’s not for lack of trying. When you find someone who was everything you could ever ask for and have them turn around and turn into a stranger in a day, it can damage the beliefs you hold of soul mates.
But, for now, I call that karma. For hurting someone very special. And I’m making an open apology to him right now. We were young but I’m still very sorry. Getting screwed over out of blue hurts like a bitch.
So, maybe I deserved it, maybe it was punishment. If so? Well, let’s gone on with things shall we? No point wallowing in self-pity.
Our soul mates are out there. We’ll find them, in due course. Keep your eyes peeled and your heart open. Only the bad ones climb over closed gates.

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