Emily Fox: The Interview

Source – Pinterest

What are five facts about you?

  1. I’m an orphan; my parents and older sister died in a car crash. I survived.
  2. My guardian is a vicar and I live with him and his family. It’s awful.
  3. I try to read 50 books a year – sometimes more if I’ve got time.
  4. I want to be a lawyer when I’m older
  5. I’m fat – and no one ever lets me forget it.
Source – Pinterest

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in the middle of nowhere in Norfolk in a tiny village called North Creake. Crisp frosty mornings over meadows, an abundance of woodland, and field after field of rapeseed in the summer; it was idyllic but only aesthetically. I was shipped off to boarding school as soon as I turned eleven. That place, the place I grew up, it’s not home.

Source – Pinterest

Who are the special people in your life?

…I would say my sister but she’s not around anymore. My mother but she’s gone too. I don’t believe I have any special people in my life.

Would you rather…go swimming or run naked across the campus field?

Since I can’t swim and I’m terrified of water I’d have to pick the latter but honestly, I’d rather die than do either.

(Source – Pinterest)

Desert Island: Three Items

  1. Books
  2. My cello
  3. A pen that never runs out
(Source – Pinterest)

What’s something you wish you were better at?

Making friends…but then again, no one ever wants to be friends with me so why should it be up to me?

(Source – Pinterest)

What’s something you’re proud of?

Learning to play cello. It’s not the instrument I would have liked to have learned but my guardian, Rupert insisted and oddly, I’m actually quite good. It’s an escape for me too…when I play, nothing else exists.

(Source – Pinterest)

What’s something you’re ashamed of?

My weight. I’m disgusting.

(Source – Pinterest)

What are you looking forward to right now?

The end of term so I can leave this place. Not that returning to North Creake is much better but at least only Rupert calls me fat there and not everyone.

(Source – Pinterest)

Pick 3 Dinner Guests, dead or alive

Just three? That’s impossible. I want Ada Lovelace and Millicent Fawcett and J R R Tolkien and George Orwell! And my mum…can I have my mum, please, too?

Millicent Fawcett (Source – Pinterest)

What brought you to Hillside Academy?

My guardian, Rupert, who couldn’t stand the sight of me anymore. I was a burden. Where do all burdens go?

Rupert Matthews (Source – Pinterest)

Favourite Word?

Lux Brumalis – a Latin word which means ‘the light of winter’

(Source – Pinterest)

Learn more about Emily Fox by heading over to her very own wiki. Just click the image below and follow the link!

Source – Pinterest

(All Hillside Academy characters, names, places, school history and origins are subject to copyright – Hillside Academy ‘Universe’ Copyright © 2008 Jodie May Mullen)

Header Image: Jodi May

Gallery Images: Ownership remains with the original artist.

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