Surname: Jensen
Forename: David
Middle Names: Montgomery
Nicknames: ‘Bender’
Age (2011): 16
Birthdate: 12th December, 1994
Height: 5ft 9
Weight: 11st
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Nationality: British (Ukrainian ancestry)
Body Type: Average height for a boy with short but slim limbs and a protruding stomach. He has large hips and a behind, almost feminine in shape, with a short neck and small head. He has chubby cheeks and a round face but high cheekbones and a severe jaw and brow bone. He isn’t conventionally attractive but is fair and handsome.
Size Feet: Size 8
Body Modifications: Gauge piercings in both ears and a tongue-piercing
Dominant Hand: Right
Medical Conditions: None
Allergies: Pollen/Grass/ Biological Washing Powder – Sensitive skin
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Music: Rock, EDM, dubstep, grime core, post-hardcore, R&B – Streetfighter
Movies: Comedies, romantic comedies and action – Howl’s Moving Castle
Books: Graphic Novels:
- Watchmen – Alan Moore
- Maus – Art Spiegelman
- V for Vendetta – Alan Moore
Television Shows: Futurama
Video Games: Dawn Arising – Kingdom of Hearts/ Legend of Zelda
Substances: Weed, Alcohol, Ecstasy
Colour: Honey Orange
Animal: Penguins
Season: Summer
Clothing: Flat peak caps, joggers, cut-off jeans, skinny jeans, Nike high top trainers, Converse or Vans shoes, t-shirts and band tops, hoodies, body warmers. He’s inclined to dress up in women’s clothing for special occasions such as fancy dress or parties. He particularly likes to wear corsets, suspenders and form-fitting dresses with high heels which he walks in very well.
Make-up: Nail Varnish (every day) – (Events) Eyeliner, lip gloss, body and hair glitter – (Special Events) Lipstick, foundation, mascara, eyeliner, blusher, glitter and a blonde wig
Wardrobe: A few looks from Bender’s wardrobe that you can find in the series:

Scent: Cooking doughnuts
Beverage: Monster Energy Drink, Strawberry Milkshake, Chocolate Milkshake, Orange Juice, Tropical Juice, Tea, Water, Lemonade, Cola, Fanta Orange and Hot Chocolate
Food: Chicken and Cheese Burger with Chips, Meaty stuffed crust pizzas, BBQ Sauce, Chicken kebabs, Donner Kebab, Chips, Red Salt, Gravy, Houmous, Cheese crisps, Steak crisps, Steak and mushroom pie, Chicken and mushroom pie, Liver and bacon, Bacon butties, Bacon, Sausage butties, Bacon and sausage baguettes, Beans, Beans on toast, Butter, Whole fat milk, Chocolate/sugary cereal, Hashbrowns, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Full English breakfast, Fried Eggs, Roast Dinner (his mum’s), Roast chicken, Roast Ham, Chicken slices, Roast potatoes, Mashed potatoes, Cheddar Cheese, Brie, Mozzarella, Pepperoni, Salami, Chorizo, Bacon and cheese sandwiches, Pears, White grapes, Parsnips, Sprouts, Cabbage, Southern Fried Chicken, Salty Popcorn, Beef Burgers, Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Popcorn chicken, Tacos, Burritos, Fajitas, Pancakes, Potato Waffles, Sweet Waffles, Maple syrup and Flapjacks.
Dislikes: Scrambled eggs, poached eggs, black pudding, roast beef, carrots, peas, bananas, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, dark chocolate, limes and coffee.
Peeves: Preppies
Hero/Idol: Roy Lichtenstein (Artist)
Main Skill: Art – Bender is an adept artist. So much so, his scholarship relies on it. He doodles whenever he can, draws all his friends and create numerous cartoon strips including them all, plus his own characters which he’s created. This skill transfers to graphic design in which he is also adept.
Secondary Skill: Computer Programming/Design – Bender is a keen coder and at home on computers. Self-taught with his best friend, Sticks, he isn’t as good as Sticks, but is still proficient. However, he uses it more these days for creating fun games or for graphic design.
Main Weakness: Language – Bender struggles to pick up foreign languages and also struggles with English too, on account of undiagnosed dyslexia. Reading and writing can be a struggle and he is much more at home with numbers, and so is stronger than maths.
Secondary Weakness:
Sports – Bender is not an athletic person and doesn’t particularly enjoy running around or any team sports. His idea of cardio is dancing, which is something he does enjoy. But other sports, no. He isn’t a fast runner and lacks hand-eye coordination to play games such as badminton or hockey.
Driving Capability: *
Hobbies: Bender’s hobbies include drawing, doodling, making cartoon strips and creating them on Photoshop. He also loves listening to music and playing it whenever he can either on the drums or piano, in which he is adept in both. He attends the practice for his friends’ band Attack of the Rhododendrons as it incorporates both his love for music and hanging out with his friends, which is another hobby of his. He enjoys going to the pub and out to parties with all his friends, especially his best friend, Sticks Woods. When he’s on his own, he likes to watch anime and read graphic novels, both of which inspire his artwork.
Other Skills: Bender is capable of both piano and drumming and enjoys both. Furthermore, he is proficient in Photoshop and is an exceptional graphic designer.
Responsibilities: Bender is in the Art Club at Hillside Academy and often exhibits his work at the seasonal school exhibitions. He is also in the IT Club which is predominantly himself and Sticks; they founded it and run it weekly. An hour to sit in the gloom on their computers in silence with other people who enjoy doing the same.
Mother: Shannon-Louise Miller (Jensen)
Father: Gareth Jensen
Siblings: Cyril Jensen
Pets: NONE
Birthplace: St Michael’s Hospital, Bristol
Home Location: Bristol, UK
Relationship Status: Single
Best Friend(s):
- Sticks Woods
Friendship Circle:
- Clique 1
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Personality Type: Campaigner – ENFP-A
Outlook: Optimistic
Strong Trait: Optimist
Weak Trait: Insecure
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Class: Working Class
Political: Liberal
Religious: Agnostic
Habits: Talks too quickly and stares off into space
Accent: Chav slang with a West Country accent he can’t kick. Inaudible but loud, very loud.
Laugh: Foghorn laugh that can be heard from rooms away
Fear/Phobia: He’ll have to change who he is and have his spirit crushed out of him again like it was when he was being bullied. And that he would lose the people around him who love him for who he is and he’ll be alone again.
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Prized Possession: Totoro Sketchbook
Life & Career:
Childhood Ambition: Dinosaur
University or Post School: Game Design – Bath Spa University, Bath, UK
Career: Game Designer/ Game Developer
Job: Leaflet Distributor – Advertise & Co. (Leaflet advertising service for local businesses) – Barnstaple, Devon, UK
School Details:
Dorm Block: Boys
Dorm Room: B303
Dorm Mates:
- Sticks Woods
- Drew Howel
- Luke Stephenson
- Alfie Dixon
- Kaleb Attwood
Dorm Master: Mr Robert Brooks
Form: Warmscombe
Form Teacher: Mrs Lydia Gardner
Subjects (GCSE or A-Level):
- A Level Art
- A Level Computer Science
- A Level Media
- A Level Music
Extracurricular Activities:
- Drama Club
- Art Club
- Film Club
Type of Student (Scholarship or Fee Payer): Scholarship
If Scholarship, who funds it?: Young Excellence: a charity that funds scholarships for intelligent and high-achieving children, especially ones who have lost parents and are orphaned, come from low-income families and live in care homes.
Speciality Subject(s):
- Art
- Computer Science
Years Attendance at Hillside Academy: Four years – Second Year (2007) – present (2011)
Photographs/Drawings/ Artwork:
(All Hillside Academy characters, names, places, school history and origins are subject to copyright – Hillside Academy ‘Universe’ Copyright © 2008 Jodie May Mullen)
Gallery Images: Ownership remains with the original artist.