Surname: Ashcroft
Forename: Damien
Middle Names: Christopher
Nicknames: None
Age (2011): 16
Birthdate: 8th September, 1994
Height: 6ft
Weight: 10st 8
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Ash Blond
Nationality: British
Body Type: Slim and tall with athletic build on torso and upper arms
Size Feet: Size 11
Body Modifications: None
Dominant Hand: Left
Body Scarification: Slight crooked nose, plus faded burns on the back of his lower thighs
Allergies: None
Sexual Preference: Straight
Substances: Non-smoker, alcohol drinker, cocaine user
Animal: Shark
Colour: Steel Grey
Season: Winter
Music: Massive Attack
Movie: The Silence of the Lambs
Book: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson)
Food: Bouillabaisse
Beverage: Whisky
Clothing: Preppy fashionable style; chinos, smart shoes, polo shirts, tailored shirts and sports jackets
Skills & Career:
Main Skill: Politics
Secondary Skill: Business
Weakness: Creativity
Job: None
Career Aspiration: CEO of Ranger Ashcroft
Strengths: Manipulative and unattached
Weakness: Unattached and manipulative
- A Level Politics
- A Level Italian
- A Level Business & Enterprise
- A Level Economics
Hobbies: Swimming/ Badminton
Responsibilities: Carry on his father’s legacy, marry well and don’t embarrass himself or his family
Father: Charles Ashcroft
Siblings: None
Home Location: Oxted, Surrey
Relationship Status: Single
Best Friend(s): None
Friendship Circle:
- Clique 5
- Sam Robinson
- Anna Clearwater
Accent: Middle England
Laugh: Soft Snort
Religion: None
Political: None
Introvert or Extrovert: Ambivalent
Optimist or Pessimist: Realist
Habits: Toying with other people’s emotions
Peeves: People who try too hard
Temperament: Apathetic, composed, cool as ice
Star Sign: Virgo
School Details:
Dorm Block: Boys
Dorm Room: B310
Dorm Mates:
- Harry Pearce
- Charles Freeman
- Shane Birch
- Adrian Gladwell
- Marco Linsby
Dorm Master: Mr Robert Brooks
Form: Bowden
Form Teacher: Ms Megan Hall
Subjects (GCSE or A-Level):
- A Level Business & Enterprise
- A Level Economics
- A Level Statistics
- A Level Politics
Extracurricular Activities:
- Extra Lesson – Maths
Type of Student (Scholarship or Fee Payer): Fee Payer
Years Attendance at Hillside Academy: Five years – First Year (2006) to present (2011)
Photographs/Drawings/ Artwork:

(All Hillside Academy characters, names, places, school history and origins are subject to copyright – Hillside Academy ‘Universe’ Copyright © 2008 Jodie May Mullen)
Gallery Images: Ownership remains with the original artist.