What are five facts about you?
- I’m from Manchester – and yes, I’ve still got the accent.
- I’m the middle child of three sisters – it’s a fucking nightmare.
- My parents are dead. Breast cancer and a coward.
- I have the best arse at Hillside Academy
- I will bite.

Where did you grow up?
Didsbury Village, Manchester until I was about eight. We had a big ole house but I don’t remember it much. When my mum died, Dad moved us to our summer house in Devon, Clearwater Lodge. I remember this house more for some reason. The brightly lit rooms, the cosy snug where my mum would read. The huge garden that undulated down into the valleys of Devonshire meadows. It was like a dream. And I guess, like a dream, it came to an end when he decided to opt out of our lives and my older sister moved us to Plymouth where we lived in shitty flats that smelt like feet, farts and mould. Really pronounced the fact we were on our own just how fucking shit those places were compared to where we grew up.

Who are the special people in your life?
Erika, my best friend. She’s a crazy bitch but I couldn’t do it without her. Dave, my boyfriend. I don’t deserve him. My sisters, Jenny and Fifi I guess, even if they do fuck me off. And Sam Robinson – douchebag. But I love him. Even if I do wanna murder him 99.9 per cent of the time. And the rest of my friends – I dunno how they put up with me.
Would you rather…kiss Sam Robinson or Damien Ashcroft?
Since I’d rather boil in acid than touch Damien Ashcroft, I’d have to say Sam – even if he is like my brother and it would be fucking *retch* disgusting.
Desert Island: Three Items
- Sun cream
- Bikini
- My iPod with infinite battery
What’s something you wish you were better at?
I wanna say my right hook but damn, I’m good enough. Maybe… maybe I could be a better communicator? Like, not start fights with my boyfriend every week – and maybe try to work things out properly, without yelling…
What’s something you’re proud of?
My ass. Jokes – no, I’m not kidding. This doesn’t happen overnight. For real, I’m proud of how I rise after every fall. Or at least, how I try to.
What’s something you’re ashamed of?
My tiny wardrobe. Oh, you want a serious answer? Gorr, cretin. Fine – you got a year? Just one? Fine – I’m ashamed of how I let my dad’s suicide dictate every single romantic relationship I’ve been in. There. I’m a Freudian fucking joke. Happy?
What are you looking forward to right now?
Ending this interview.
No, seriously, bite me.
I’m looking forward to the Start of Term Rave and getting rat arsed. Maybe then I can feel something other than fury at this fucking world.
Pick 3 Dinner Guests, dead or alive
My mum. I don’t want anyone else.
What brought you to Hillside Academy?
My mummy died and my daddy hanged himself and none of my extended family gave a shit so my big sister had to take on the role of a parent to her little sisters so she chose a career that she could fast track and got a teaching job here. What? Were you expecting something spectacular like how smart I am? I’m not like my friends. I didn’t get in on merit. It’s all Jenny. I’m here by accident – story of my life.
Favourite Word?
Slut – it’s the most dangerous word in the English dictionary
Learn more about Anna Clearwater by heading over to her very own wiki. Just click the image below and follow the link!
(All Hillside Academy characters, names, places, school history and origins are subject to copyright – Hillside Academy ‘Universe’ Copyright © 2008 Jodie May Mullen)
Header Image: Jodi May
Gallery Images: Ownership remains with the original artist.