A Very HSA Christmas: Twas the Night Before…

Written as part of a Christmas Instagram challenge for the twelve days of Christmas, this very HSA Christmas is a unique series set in no particular time within the series; written simply for some festive cheer.

Since the gas man never appeared, it was decided they would all be sleeping on the living room beneath the Christmas lights and in the glowing warmth of the fire. What had started as a tense discussion on who would get the sofa ended with the boys bringing six mattresses down from the bedrooms upstairs. Anna hadn’t been best pleased at first, the sight of her family home being turned upside down that Christmas Eve, but soon enough, she was helping push the sofa, armchairs and coffee table aside to make room for the mattresses.

They made up each one with bed sheets and after collecting all the duvets, pillows, blankets and bedding they could find, they positioned the sofa and armchairs around the cosy cluster on the floor in front of the fire. By the time they were done, it was getting late and after a tiring day yesterday travelling, and a freezing night at Clearwater Lodge, the group settled down on the collection of mattresses, all snuggling into their own spots.

Somehow, Erika had ended up between Sam and Dominic. While the rest of their friends quietened, sleep coming easily after plenty to eat and drink that Christmas Eve – only Susannah and Jasper whispering quietly somewhere to Erika’s far left – she lay wide awake, staring up at the ceiling. Wiggling her toes in her thick socks, tugging her hoodie around her, she twisted onto her side to come face to face with Dominic. He too was awake.

She was taken aback by the sight of his moss green eyes staring back at her but settled, nonetheless, listening as Sam and Anna’s snoring grew louder and the quieter sounds of slumber arose around them.

“Can’t sleep?” Erika asked.

“Never can this time of year,” Dominic whispered.

She nodded with understanding. She knew what haunted her best friend. It was the same thing that haunted her. Once upon a time, this life – full of warmth, love, a full belly of food and surrounded by a family – had been a dream. A distant dream. A fantasy. Neither Erika nor Dominic had ever thought they would make it here. Even if here was somewhere between Sam’s flatulence issues after drinking dodgy eggnog and Sticks’s rumbling snores on Dominic’s other side. With a quiet snigger, the two snuggled deeper into their pillows. But they didn’t turn away.

“You know what helps me?” Erika said, keeping her voice low, for now, asides from the snoring, she could only the crackle of the blazing fire. Their friends were fast asleep – Bender dreaming of Santa, Sam of the turkey – and she wouldn’t disturb them.

“What?” Dominic yawned.

“I count all the things I’m grateful for.”

With a weary blink, he smiled. “You start.”

“I’m grateful for Emily’s sausage rolls,” Erika said, sighing blissfully. “I’m grateful for Anna’s big ole house. I’m grateful for the fact that Sam’s wearing socks tonight.” With that, she giggled into her pillow, Dominic chuckling tiredly in agreement. “I’m grateful for Anna, for Will, for Sticks, Susannah and Jasper. For Bender. For Tom and Elivia. For Emily. Even for Sam.”

“And me?” Dominic said, his eyes suddenly wide open.

Erika thought for a moment. Shuffling closer, she felt the heat of his exhales against her cheeks. “You’re what I’m most grateful for.”

Staring back at her, Dominic’s kind eyes – eyes she had looked to in the darkest times of her life and always trusted – searched her face. Gradually, his lips curved into a handsome smile, his lip rings drooping ever so slightly as he bowed his head, his cheek rubbing against the soft material of his pillow. Erika watched every one of his movements with bated breath and as he leant forward, his hand in her hair, their mouths inches away, she could hardly breathe.

Then, Dominic planted a tender kiss on her forehead.

“I’m grateful for you, too,” Dominic sighed. “Sometimes, I wonder what I would have done without you all these years.”

“You would’ve been fine,” Erika said with her usual humble tone.

“No,” he said firmly, causing her to meet his eye. “I’m serious, E. Thank you.” Fingers trailing through her hair, his hand came to rest on the bedding between them.

Cautiously, Erika laid her hand over his. Settling down deeper, Dominic covered her hand with his other until they were clasping hold of one another. Erika’s eyes grew heavy as she gazed at their fingers interlocked; her best friend – till the end.

Slowly, the two drifted off into a peaceful sleep, the lights of the Christmas tree reflected in their midnight hair, the roaring fire warming their toes and their family surrounding them; thankful for their reality. Grateful that all their Christmas wishes had finally come true.


A very HSA Christmas Copyright © 2020 Jodie May Mullen

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