A Very HSA Christmas: Shopping for Parents

Written as part of a Christmas Instagram challenge for the twelve days of Christmas, this very HSA Christmas is a unique series set in no particular time within the series; written simply for some festive cheer.


Elivia turned on her heel with a bright smile to see Tom weaving his way through the horde of shoppers in the department store that Saturday morning. With a kiss to each cheek, the two friends greeted each other with a warm embrace.

“Bloody trains are a nightmare,” Tom grumbled, unwinding his scarf from around his neck, his cheeks ruddy and his hair damp with sweat. “Ran all the way from the tube station.”

“You didn’t have to do that. There’s no hurry,” Elivia replied, taking a sip of her luxurious coffee with all the festive trimmings.

“No hurry?” Tom blinked. “Lil, the last time I was late for a shopping trip you wouldn’t talk to me for half an hour.”

That was different. That was dress shopping. This is just Crimbo shopping.” She shrugged.

The two headed for the escalator, shuffling rather than walking as they were moved along by the heaving stress-filled crowds.

When Elivia had mentioned shopping on Oxford Street for their families’ presents, he’d been abhorred. However, Tom had a difficult time refusing his best friend and had known her long enough to know that only the best was good enough for Elivia Spencer. So he kept his mouth shut; his stomach grumbling as he looked forward to lunch at their favourite restaurant.

“So what are you going to get for Angie and Mal?” Elivia questioned, running her fingers over a few glittery blouses on hangers nearby.

“Well I’ve already bought Mal a nice new torch and so it’s just Angie. What about you? What are you buying the rents this year?”

“I was thinking a tennis bracelet for Mum and a new watch for Dad,” Elivia said confidently, having already spent several hours scrolling through the department store’s website for ideas.

Tom gave a snort of laughter. She glanced across at him. He quickly masked his unimpressed expression with a false grin.

“What?” she asked.

“No! Nothing,” Tom said, eyes averted from her as he picked up a hat off the shelf, checked the price and hastily put it back again.

“No, what? My dad loves watches,” Elivia said with a small stomp of her Prada boot heel.

Tom spun slowly around to face her, regretting opening his mouth. “Yes…he does but how about something a little more, you know, personal?”

Elivia thought for a moment. Her face lit up. “I could get it engraved!”

Tom cringed. “Yes or you could get him something useful.”

“A watch is useful,” Elivia tutted.

“Alright! Get him the watch!” Tom exclaimed. He was far too hungry to be having this discussion.

“No!” Elivia said, hurrying after him. “No – you can’t just walk away.”

Lil,” Tom said wearily. “I’ve had four hours sleep, I’m still a little drunk and you want me to tell you what to get for your parents?”

Elivia folded her arms with a pout. “You judged my choices. You can’t judge my choices without backing up your reasoning. You’re getting your granddad a torch!”

“Which he needs!”

Elivia gave another huff. “How about a new shirt?”

Tom grimaced. “You know, I love you but you are fucking awful at presents,” he chuckled.

Slowly, Elivia’s hard face eased, the pout becoming a begrudging smile as she rolled her eyes. “You love my presents.”

“I love you,” Tom smirked, draping an arm around her shoulders. “Come on, grumpy pants. Let’s go get that tennis bracelet and wristwatch.”

“I don’t see why they’re such bad gifts?” she grumbled.

He patted her head and gave her a kiss to the cheek as they strolled away to the jewellery section. His best friend really was atrocious at presents.

A very HSA Christmas Copyright © 2020 Jodie May Mullen

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