A Very HSA Christmas: Snowstorm

Written as part of a Christmas Instagram challenge for the twelve days of Christmas, this very HSA Christmas is a unique series set in no particular time within the series; written simply for some festive cheer.

Phwooar, gonna be a rager,” Sam announced from the window, mince pie raised to his lips as he held back the heavy golden curtain for a better view.

“Don’t say that,” Anna tutted. “And don’t get mince pie on those curtains.”

Sam dropped the curtain dramatically, stuffing the small handmade pie into his mouth. He chewed around his grin as Anna shook her head, less than impressed to be stuck alone with Sam Robinson until the rest of their friends arrived. If they ever did arrive, of course. Sam was right about one thing – though not very often – there was a snow storm blowing in, burying the Devonshire countryside and the rest of the country in a thick impassable blanket.

Glancing to the ornate Grandfather Clock sitting atop the mantelpiece, she noted that it was almost three o’clock in the afternoon. Not that you could tell; it was almost dark outside, the world being swept away in a white haze. With a shiver, Anna headed to the fire where the embers were starting to die.

“Got the heating on?” Sam asked.

She crouched to stoke the fire and add more logs. “Obviously.”

“Well, it’s fucking freezing in here.”

Anna gave another tut, punctuated by a crack of one of the logs as it caught fire. “I know how to turn the heating on, Robinson. I’m not a total idiot.”

The two best friends shared a look across that decadent living room of Clearwater Lodge; one that told Anna that Sam didn’t trust her. He flounced out of the room leaving Anna to settle in the armchair adjacent to the fire; blanket pulled over her legs and tucked around her waist. She rubbed her palms together and breathed deeply against her cold fingers. Just as she was beginning to doubt whether she had turned the heating on, Sam returned.

“Heater’s gone and busted, ain’t it?” he huffed, hands on his wide hips and a face of annoyance.

Anna couldn’t resist a smirk. “Can you fix it?”

Sam frowned. “Do I look like Bob the fucking Builder?”

She gave him a once over; taking in the sight of him from his woolly bobble hat, his HSA Lions royal blue sweatshirt, his jogging bottoms, right down to his borrowed fluffy pink socks. She snorted a laugh. “No – you look like a dick.”

He shot her a sarcastic grin. “Well, thank you, Anna. That’s exactly the look I was going for.”

Lolling back her head, Anna let out a long howl of frustration. “What are we gonna do!?”

“Don’t lose your knickers, I’ll Google a number for a local electrician.”

“Erm – dipshit? Have you looked outside?” Anna threw her arm outwards, pointing to the windows which were rapidly misting over, the outside ledges thick with snow. “Gonna be a rager,” she mimicked.

Sam rolled his eyes. “Then I’ll have to try to fix it myself.”

“What the fuck do you know about gas?”

Sam’s frown quickly morphed to a childish grin as he sniggered to himself. Anna groaned with disgust.

“Git,” she grunted.

“Alright! Okay! Let me just give a couple a call, alright? Until then, we’ve got the AGA and this fire and I can light the one in your bedroom. Okay?” Sam said, his face softening as Anna nodded glumly.

“What about E and the others?”

“They’ll be alright. Will drives like an old woman,” Sam teased.

“Oh god,” Anna whined, “He probably won’t get here before New Year at this rate.”

At that, the two giggled, considering all their friends travelling from all their corners of the country to spend Christmas together. As one. As a family.

Their family.

A very HSA Christmas Copyright © 2020 Jodie May Mullen

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