5 Free Things to Do With Your Partner


Doing most things these days costs money – money a lot of us don’t have. So finding things to do with your partner that are inexpensive can be hard. If you go to the cinema, it costs. Romantic dinner? Break the bank. Zoo? Don’t even go there. I almost cried at the price the last time I went to the zoo. Is there anything out there that is cheap and fun, or doesn’t cost anything at all? Well of course. Here are my top 5 favourite things to do with my partner that don’t cost a thing.


5. Lay In Bed All Day


Alright, if you’re a get-up and go person, this may not be the best activity but if you and your partner both work all week and barely get a chance to be together, I find this is a beautiful thing to do. It doesn’t cost a thing and it gives you two a chance to talk, have fun and build on your intimacy – especially if you feel you don’t have any time for each other anymore in this busy, fast-paced world. Sometimes, the simplest activities are the best. Grab some food and live in a cosy bubble for the day. There’s nothing better than pillow talk and cuddles. You’re not wasting the day because you’re together. Oh and turn off your mobiles. You don’t need to be interrupted today. It’s all about you and them.


4. Go For a Picnic


Granted, you have to make your sandwiches and other snacks but don’t splash out on anything fancy. A bag of crisps and a cheese sandwich is fine. Don’t worry about the weather either. If you’ve got a car, drive somewhere nice and eat your picnic in the car. Nothing says you can’t. Dates with your partner don’t have to be extravagant or ‘Instagram’ perfect. As long as they’re full of laughter and fun then you’ll have a good time.


3. Movie Marathon


This can be hard for some couples who don’t like the same movies (I know me and my partner detest each other’s taste in films) but there’s always going to be the classics you enjoy, plus if you like the same television show, sloth out on the sofa together and binge watch entire seasons. One word; Netflix. Get it and enjoy. Find yourself a good old show like X-Files or a long movie series like Star Wars or Harry Potter and settle in under blankets with food. Gives you a chance to cuddle, chat and laugh, plus it’s free! Where’s my onesie?


2. Have A Shower/Bath Together


This is one of my favourite things to do. It doesn’t have to be sexual but just a chance for you to be intimate together. If you’re insecure about your body having a shower with your partner can even improve the way you feel about yourself around them. Trust me, it does. Once you’ve got soap in your hair or have made your partner a bubble beard in the bath, you won’t be thinking how your thighs look or your tummy. Just enjoy this time with them. Get yourself a bath bomb from Lush and just chill out together in the tub; the same as laying in bed, chat and have a laugh. Just you and them.


1. Cook and Do Hobbies Together


Whether you’re into baking or they’re into building model planes, do these things together. It gives you a chance to enjoy each other’s hobbies and take part in something they’re interested in. It may not be totally free but the fun and laughter are. You’ll feel closer to your partner at the end of it, plus you would’ve made something together. If they’re into sports, go swimming or to the gym with them. There’s nothing like the high of endorphins and plus spending time with the person you love will release all the tension and stress of the week or day.


Always remember that there are many more things you can do with your partner that are free or inexpensive. Make time to do the simpler things because they’re often the most important and what keeps your relationship sizzling and fresh. Enjoy spending time together (without your mobiles or laptops). So stop tweeting about ‘all the fun you’re having with your “bae”, turn off your damn phone, and spend some quality time with them. I know that even sitting in traffic with my partner can be as fun as going to the cinema. It’s the moments together that count, not what you’re doing.

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