20 Signs You’ve Found Your Best Friend

Sometimes it doesn’t matter how long you’ve known them or how you met or even how many memories you’ve shared with them…sometimes it just depends on these 20 things.


20. You can talk to each other without even speaking


You know each other so well you can read one another’s minds from across the room and in some situations, you’re both thinking the same thing…


19. You are completely comfortable around each other


Haven’t showered in a week, sitting in pyjamas, underwear…nothing at all. You and your best friend are completely at ease around each other no matter what.


18. Neither of you are embarrassed by one another’s habits or quirks


No matter how odd they are, you love them and they love you all the same.


17. They’re your biggest fan


Whether they like every single status or photo you post or they’re rooting for you from the sidelines of your competitive hobby, they’re there and always will be.


16. You have practically the same sense of humour


Be it too inappropriate in public or enough to make your mother gasp, you don’t care. When you two are together, nothing stops you from cackling away at inside jokes.


15. You would follow each other to the end of the world…


…and over that locked gate. You’ve got each other’s backs.


14. You have tonnes of inside jokes and joint quirks


You’re not sure where they originated from and are completely unashamed to flash of your secret handshake in public. Sometimes, it’s like you two are speaking a different language altogether.


13. You know practically everything about one another and have no secrets


You know everything and still love them.


12. Judgement isn’t a part of your relationship (only brutal honesty)


You would never and could never judge them but you’re not afraid to tell them the truth when they need to hear it.


11. You’re both different but also the same


You don’t dress the same or even like the same music and films. You look very different and have a different taste in partners and food but at the end of the day, you two are also identical. You laugh at the same jokes, understand one another like twins and never argue about the trivial things.


10. You are completely open with them (Maybe a little bit too open sometimes)


And yet nothing embarrasses you two.


9. You could easily live together without wanting to kill one another


You are so in sync that living together would be a piece of cake, plus an eternal sleepover! Bring on the pillow forts!


8. You share hatred for the same people


When someone you dislike walks into the room, you two are bitching using your telepathy skills. And when that person leaves, you will bitch endlessly because you hate them equally (including each other’s exes, even if they never did anything wrong. Sister Act/Bro Code Number 1)


7. They make you feel like your best, even when you feel like your worst


When you’re together, the world doesn’t seem so scary anymore. All of your flaws are insignificant to them. Your best friend is someone who makes you feel amazing no matter what.


6. You are unafraid to show every side to them


The crazy side. The overly excited side. The I’ve-drunk-too-much-I’m-going-to-be-sick side. The snotty nose and flu side. Even the darkest, saddest side. They’ll be there no matter what.


5. You have rude/affectionate nicknames for each other that you adore


As couples call each other “Bae” and “Honey”, you two call each one another “Hoe” “Bitch” and “Babe”. You tease and call each other names but if you’re true friends, those words are simply another way of you two saying “I love you”


4. You miss them even if you only saw them a few hours ago


When they leave, so does a little part of you. Never fear, you just pick up your phone and text them about when you’re next seeing each other.


3. And when you do see one another again, it’s like you never left


Thank God that time of separation was over. Now, onto best friend business!


2. When something happens, they’re the first person you want to tell


Because they’re the one person waiting by their phone for the news or who will always pick up, no matter what they’re doing or what time it is


1. Finally, they might be the only person who truly ever gets you


Your true soul mate, your other half. The twin you never had.



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