Deleted Scene: About Time (Take 2)
Deleted Scene: About Time (Take 2)

Jasper had almost forgotten about the people surrounding them. All he could focus on was Susannah. One hand gripped in his, she danced seductively for him,...

Teaser: Dante’s Inferno
Teaser: Dante’s Inferno

Will hesitated. Then, quicker than she could process what to do, where to go, and how to stop this tsunami rushing towards them, he yanked her to her feet....

Deleted Scene: Rachel
Deleted Scene: Rachel

However, before Sticks could reach her, he was bumping into someone else. She gasped as the drink spilt across her top.“Oh god, I’m so sorry!” Sticks said,...

Teaser: Dark Depths
Teaser: Dark Depths

There was a moment's hesitation once the group were undressed. Lingering on the edge, peering down into the water and waiting – for what, Emily wasn't sure....

Deleted Scene: The Furious Freya
Deleted Scene: The Furious Freya

She should have known Freya Davis would rear her ugly head today.“Ugh, what do you want?” Emily groaned, tapping her short nails on her empty tray positioned...

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Deleted Scene: The Fox & Hound

“Guys!” Sam’s voice hollered down the table, breaking through conversations and drawing all eyes toward him as he held up his pint glass. “To our first day as Sixth Formers!” His words were succeeded by a loud cheer, whoops and whistles as they toasted the start of term. All of them, even Emily, raised their …

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Will Bennet: The Interview

What are five facts about you? Where did you grow up? In a shit hole in Wigan with my alcoholic dad who liked to beat the crap out of me. It would be an understatement to say the first eleven years of my life were shit. Cold house, mattress for a bed, sick on the …

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Emily Fox: The Interview

What are five facts about you? Where did you grow up? I grew up in the middle of nowhere in Norfolk in a tiny village called North Creake. Crisp frosty mornings over meadows, an abundance of woodland, and field after field of rapeseed in the summer; it was idyllic but only aesthetically. I was shipped …

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Teaser: Volume 1 – Opening Scene

Her clammy fingers found the lock and with a firm yank, it popped up. After a push, a scramble, and a painful thud to the cold ground, she stumbled to her feet and ran. Her high heels sank into the sodden earth of the field, stems of wheat bristling against her bare thighs. In the …

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Deleted Scene: The Fifth Year Prom

“Ambulance service, is the patient breathing?” “It’s my mama.” “Is she breathing, darling?” “I don’t know…” “Where is she?” “On the bed. She’s not moving.” “Darling, are you still there?” “There’s so much blood.” “Sweetheart?” “Come quick.” When the ambulance crew arrived, they found her standing over her mother on the bed, skin like ash …

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Tom Right: The Interview

What are five facts about you? Where did you grow up? For the first seven years of my life, I lived all over the place as my mum and I were constantly moving. She got fidgety and we didn’t have much money. But after I was placed in the care of my grandparents by my …

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Teaser: The Serpent

With that loving glow fresh on her skin and Dave’s comforting words secure in her mind, Anna got on with her work. But not even the walls Dave had helped build inside her mind and around her heart could withstand Damien Ashcroft. The sensation of his hot breath against her ear paralysed her. Eyes on …

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Deleted Scene: Anna & Dave

(Content Warning: Graphic depictions of sex) She felt even more beautiful when Dave’s lips were on her skin. Caressing her neck, his hands running the length of her body as she straddled his lap, her arms slung around his neck and their mouths pressed together urgently. She listened to his blissful, content moans as he …

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Elivia Spencer: The Interview

What are five fun facts about you? Where did you grow up? I was born – well I don’t know where because I was found at the side of the road as a four-day-old, approximately. So I could have been born anywhere but I was raised all over the world. My parents travel for their …

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HSA vs IT: Chapter 31

There have been no more missing or dead children in the city of Lancaster. The season of terror is finally over – or so the adults believe. Emily Fox knows better than to ever believe that IT is finished. Having stared into Its yellow eyes and felt Its teeth tear at her skin, she knows, perhaps more than anyone else what IT has in store for them all. But what can one lonely fat girl do in the face of an ancient shape-shifting creature? Hopeless, lonely and dreading the start of term in just over a week, Emily will soon come face to face with one nightmare that will remind her just how powerful she can really be. With or without friends. Emily Fox needs to end this – once and for all.

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