Deleted Scene: About Time (Take 2)
Deleted Scene: About Time (Take 2)

Jasper had almost forgotten about the people surrounding them. All he could focus on was Susannah. One hand gripped in his, she danced seductively for him,...

Teaser: Dante’s Inferno
Teaser: Dante’s Inferno

Will hesitated. Then, quicker than she could process what to do, where to go, and how to stop this tsunami rushing towards them, he yanked her to her feet....

Deleted Scene: Rachel
Deleted Scene: Rachel

However, before Sticks could reach her, he was bumping into someone else. She gasped as the drink spilt across her top.“Oh god, I’m so sorry!” Sticks said,...

Teaser: Dark Depths
Teaser: Dark Depths

There was a moment's hesitation once the group were undressed. Lingering on the edge, peering down into the water and waiting – for what, Emily wasn't sure....

Deleted Scene: The Furious Freya
Deleted Scene: The Furious Freya

She should have known Freya Davis would rear her ugly head today.“Ugh, what do you want?” Emily groaned, tapping her short nails on her empty tray positioned...

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Top Ten Books to Films 2013-2014

Since films were introduced into our society, books have been adapted for our screens. For example, the Lord of the Rings trilogy in the early Noughties, the Harry Potter series throughout the 21st century and more recently the Great Gatsby. However, lately, it has become even more noticeable that the film industry is looking to the pages of authors instead of the manuscripts of screenwriters. So here is my list of Top Ten books to films for 2013 and 2014

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Expectations vs Reality



Let’s be honest, we all think we’re pretty damn cool….no? Just me, alright then. Well, let me counteth the ways I have perceived situations and then how they’ve actually turned out.

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Top Ten Horror Films for Halloween

We’re days away from Halloween now. Going to a party? Awesome…but for those of you who aren’t and are staying in for a Scare Fest, then I have Ten films for you…Prepare to be terrified!

(Insert Evil Laugh here)



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Top 6 Most Annoying Things About Bras

All around the world women are wearing bras. Not only is it socially expected and a fashion statement, for some of us it’s a necessity. However, these hammocks for our assets are sometimes a pain in the tit. So I’ve narrowed the problems into a short list:


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The Golden Hour

The Golden Hour.
The morning Golden Hour.
My favourite time of day.
Where all evil from the night is being washed away.
An Angel, the Sun, awakening from slumber to light the shadowy land.
In photographic terms, the golden hours are the best times to take warm, soft photos. You wonder why people photograph sunsets and sunrises all the time? Why can anyone take a photo of it and the picture will be magnificent? Because these are the two hours – the first hour of light and the last – where the light is typically more diffused. But that’s not why I love sunrise.

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Pure Love – Fantasy or Possible Reality?


You and I would run away to wherever our adventure waits.

Everyone dreams of great romances. Ones of fairy tales and great fiction. And we are told time and time again that they are impossible to fulfil. Me being me, asks why?

Why can’t we achieve the great? The magnificent? The purely beautiful?


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Fat or Curvy?


Whatever happened to female idols such as Marilyn Monroe? A UK size 14 and one of the sexiest women in history. What I want to know is when did it become “cool” to be skinny? Corsets were made to accentuate curves and old film stars had a lot of them. Did it happen overnight? Over the course of years or a decade? If so, when, why and how did we ever let it happen.


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The Come Down

There comes a point where you begin to fall from your high. The come down.
It’s a gradual process starting with one tiny knock that will send you spiralling down. It starts with the occasional five minutes of sadness. Then it escalates to weeping all of a sudden late at night when you realise there’s no one there to talk to. Soon, it begins to take over your life. It’s harder to get up in the morning. You have no motivation to do anything. All you want to do is lie in bed, hiding under your duvet away from the big bad world. You burst out into tears and cry uncontrollably for a few minutes, and then you’re fine.

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Catfish: The TV Show


In 2010 Catfish the documentary film came to our eyes. The independent movie made by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, depicted the journey of Yaniv ‘Nev’ Schulman as he built a romantic relationship online through Facebook and went on to meet her. However, the story didn’t end exactly the way all romances do.


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Book Review: The Mortal Instruments Series

Clary Fray is seeing things; vampires in Brooklyn and werewolves in Manhattan. Irresistibly drawn towards a group of sexy demon hunters, Clary encounters the dark side of New York City – and the dangers of forbidden love.
…Says the blurb to the first book in the Mortal Instrument series, the City of Bones. Praised for her beautiful writing and creative mind, Cassandra Clare has been named the next Stephanie Meyer. With the first of the fantasy love series arriving in our cinemas this August, it’s no wonder Clare has been grouped with the Twilight author.


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